A gritty medieval fantasy

This is a universe where I have started a book series and a roleplaying game. Click here to see more!

Meet the Author

Who am I? 

A gritty medieval fantasy author from Sweden.


En barnbokserie om en liten ödla och hennes resa att bli en av Skogens Beskyddare

A Swedish Children's Story



Welcome to my author's page. I'm Sarah, and I am a storyteller from the "cold lands" of Sweden. Fantasy has always held a special place in my heart once I watched Lord of the Rings at the cinema. Telling stories is what keeps me alive. Like many other writers, I explore my identity through the eyes of made-up characters undergoing challenging situations.  

So what do I write? I write fantasy stories and explore the lives of my characters. I'm writing on a gritty medieval fantasy series called SILVER AND CRIMSON. The first novel, FORGED IN CRIMSON, has been completed and awaits publication. In the same universe, I write short stories called LEGENDS STEEPED IN CRIMSON and run a roleplaying game (hosted on Twitch) called THE CRIMSON SLUMS. 

In 2022 the birth of a children's book called ODECIA came after a successful campaign on Indigogo. It was meant to be in English, but I changed it to Swedish. I want to publish more books on the story and translate it too English one day. 


Varmt välkommen till min författarsida. Jag heter Sarah och jag är en författare. Fantasy har alltid varit mig nära. Jag älskar att skriva berättelser och lära känna mig själv genom karaktärers upplevelser. 

Så vad är jag för typ av författare? Jag skriver främst mörk medeltida fantasy på engelska. Dock har jag börjat skriva på en barnbokserie som handlar om en liten skogsödla ODECIA som skyddar skogen med sina vänner.

© Copyright 2023 – Sarah Eriksson

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